Entrepreneur Ecosystems

The Oakstop Effect harnesses the transformative power of entrepreneurship to drive economic mobility and increase social capital within communities of color. Our Entrepreneur Ecosystems program stands at the heart of this mission, providing a nurturing environment where entrepreneurs of color can create, inspire, and thrive.

The Entrepreneur Ecosystems program at Oakstop is a comprehensive initiative designed to catalyze the growth and success of entrepreneurs of color through access to capital, workspace, and peer-to-peer business support services. This program is part of Oakstop’s broader commitment to using commercial real estate as a platform for community empowerment, offering entrepreneurs not just a place to work, but a community where they can gather and grow.

Our program leverages Oakstop’s place-based ecosystem, comprising 4 commercial buildings in downtown Oakland,  to increase economic resilience among entrepreneurs of color. We focus on small businesses and entrepreneurs who have been operating for at least one year and can benefit significantly from physical workspace and a supportive community network.

The Program Aims To:

• Equip entrepreneurs with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate and succeed in the business world, with a particular focus on leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their operations and competitiveness.

• Provide equitable access to capital and financial literacy through partnerships with local banks and financial institutions.

• Connect entrepreneurs directly to revenue generating opportunities within the ecosystem

• Offer collaborative workspaces conducive to creativity, networking, and business growth.

• Foster a supportive and sustainable community through peer-to-peer exchanges and mentoring opportunities.

We are accepting the first round of pre-applications now for our next cohort. The pre-application is a short form that should take no more than 30 minutes to complete. The pre-application closes on September 15, 2024 and applicants will receive an update on their application status by late September or early October.