OXC Community

XCelerate Oakland celebrates the intersection of tech innovation and culture! Join us at Oakstop’s California Ballroom on Friday, August 30th for a day filled with exciting discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities. Explore the latest trends, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights. Don’t miss out on this unique event where creativity and innovation collide! PURCHASE TICKETS FOR XCELERATE OAKLAND

By working with community partners, thought leaders, and cultural influencers, our goal is to cultivate a powerful network of support and innovation

— Jaylen Brown

Venture Capital Firms and Angel Investors:
Partners who can provide financial resources, industry expertise, and networks to support innovative startups and projects. These investors will play a crucial role in funding the growth of OXC businesses and driving economic empowerment.

Philanthropic Foundations:
Foundations that focus on community development and supporting underrepresented groups. These partners will contribute funding, resources, and strategic guidance to initiatives aimed at closing the racial wealth gap.

Corporate Sponsors:
Companies that are committed to social impact and economic inclusion. These partners can support BXC through sponsorships, donations, expertise, and professional championing.

Universities and Colleges:
Institutions that provide access to cutting-edge research, educational programs, and a pool of talented students and faculty. Partnerships that will foster innovation and provide advanced technological solutions.

Research Centers:
Centers focused on tech innovation and cultural studies that can offer knowledge sharing, innovation support, and collaborative projects. This will help integrate cultural initiatives with academic rigor.

Local Community Organizations:
Groups that have a deep understanding of the local community’s needs and are already working to support BIPOC entrepreneurs. These organizations will help broaden BXC’s reach and inclusivity.

Social Enterprises:
Enterprises that utilize commercial real estate for community empowerment and economic development. These partners will help create spaces for entrepreneurs and communities of color to thrive.

Tech Companies:
Firms that can provide mentorship, access to technology, and potential investment opportunities. These partnerships will help BXC creators leverage advanced tools and platforms to scale their ventures.

Creative Industry Leaders:
Organizations within the arts, media, and entertainment sectors that can offer insights into industry trends, professional championing, and networking opportunities for BXC creators.

By forming these strategic partnerships, BXC aims to build a robust ecosystem that empowers BIPOC entrepreneurs, drives cultural innovation, and promotes sustainable economic growth in Boston and beyond. Together, we can create a thriving, inclusive community where every individual has the opportunity to succeed.